
This category provides video and audio recordings of Dr. Ron Miller giving talks and seminars, as well as some casual insight, meditations and discussion.

A Tribute to Ron Miller

A great Q&A that a student named Becca Shrier recorded at Lake Forest College during the summer of 2001. A lot to take from even this short video. Especially notable is a comment towards the end about Rabbi Heschel and thinking of life as starting with a blank canvas.

Two German Poems

Two German poems, casually recited by Ron, while walking at his annual Thomas Merton Retreat in Bardstown, KY. This was filmed during the 2010 retreat. (Video by Bradley Wettersten) Du bist wie eine BlumeDu bist wie eine BlumeDu bist wie eine BlumeSo hold und schön und rein:Ich schau’ dich an, und WehmutSchleicht mir ins Herz …

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Meditation with Ron Miller

Guided Through the Being and the Universe with Dr. Ron Miller. Recorded in May 2010 on a Common Ground retreat “The Way of the Monk” at St. Mary of the Lake in Mundelein, IL.

A Very Different Christian Story

Dr. Ron Miller speaks at the Theosophical Society in America on April 7, 2011 about a very different christian story. Most people assume Christianity began as a unified movement and then fragmented in the course of its history, Eastern and Western Christianity split in the 11th century, Protestant and Catholic Christianity in the 16th. But …

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